Katy Morrison, ND, LAc

Founder of Midcoast Health Collective

Naturopathic Doctor, Acupuncturist
Using the best of Modern Science and Ancient Wisdom
to Support Women at Any Life Stage

Dr. Katy decided to become a doctor because she simply wants to help people feel better.

She believes strongly in preventive medicine. She’ll listen carefully to your story, and craft an individualized treatment plan based on your health needs. She’ll do her best to relieve symptoms quickly while also addressing any deeper imbalances. Her goal is to prevent further disease and to help you find lasting relief from symptoms. Treatments will often consist of a combination of herbal medicine (Chinese and western herbs), acupuncture, homeopathic remedies, lifestyle and nutritional support, and more.

Dr. Katy learned about natural medicine through her study of ethnobotany – how people use plants for medicine all over the world. She was fascinated by the idea that many treatments for common ailments were derived from natural substances. After working in the field of biology in several capacities, she realized that she was more interested in working directly with people. She then decided to pursue a career in natural medicine.

Dr. Katy grew up in Maine, and is a case study of how people can change for the better throughout their lives. Dubbed a serious child, she once said with a straight face: "I just don't like to sweat," as she excused herself from an aerobics class at summer camp. Now, she gets lots of joy from sweating on a regular basis, whether from running, hiking, or biking. She also loves reading, learning, being outdoors, making lists, and creating things.

Education and Training

National University of Natural Medicine, Portland, OR

  • Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine

  • Master of Acupuncture with a Chinese Herbal Medicine Specialization

St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY

  • Bachelor of Science in Biology with a focus in Conservation Biology